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Blackstone River Valley
Kent County
Bristol County
South County
Newport County
Collection Highlights
View by City/Town
East Greenwich
Fall River
North Providence
North Smithfield
South Kingstown
View by Bank Name
American Bank, Providence
Aquidneck Bank, Newport
Arcade Bank, Providence
Ashaway Bank
Atlantic National Bank, Providence
Atlas Bank, Providence
Bank of America, Providence
Bank of Bristol
Bank of Commerce, Providence
Bank of Kent, Coventry
Bank of North America, Providence
Bank of Rhode Island, Newport
Bank of South County, South Kingstown
Bank of the Republic, Providence
Blackstone Canal Bank, Providence
Boston Clearing House
Bristol Union Bank
Bryant & Stratton Business College
Burrillville Bank
Butchers & Drovers Bank, Providence
Centreville Bank, Warwick
Citizens Bank, Woonsocket
Citizens Savings Bank, Providence
Citizens Union Bank, Scituate
City Bank, Providence
Columbus National Bank, Providence
Commercial Bank, Bristol
Commercial Bank, Providence
Commercial College Bank, East Greenwich
Continental Bank, Providence
Coventry Bank
Cranston Bank
Cumberland Bank
Eagle Bank, Bristol
Eagle Bank, Providence
Elmwood Bank, Cranston
Exchange Bank, Providence
Exeter Bank
Fall River Union Bank
Farmers & Mechanics Bank, Pawtucket
Farmers Bank, Wickford
Farmers Exchange Bank, Glocester
Fifth National Bank, Providence
First National Bank of Hopkinton
First National Bank of Newport
First National Bank of Pawtucket
First National Bank of Providence
First National Bank of Smithfield
First National Bank of Warren
Fourth National Bank, Providence
Franklin Bank, Chepachet
Franklin Bank, Providence
Freemen’s Bank, Bristol
Globe Bank, Providence
Granite Bank, Pascoag
Greenwich Bank, East Greenwich
Grocers & Producers Bank, Providence
Hamilton Bank, North Scituate
High Street Bank, Providence
Hopkinton Bank, Westerly
Industrial Trust Company, Providence
Jackson Bank, Providence
Landholders Bank, South Kingstown
Liberty Bank, Providence
Manufacturers Bank, North Providence
Marine Bank, Providence
Mechanics & Manufacturers Bank, Providence
Mechanics Bank, Providence
Mercantile Bank, Providence
Merchants Bank, Newport
Merchants Bank, Providence
Mount Hope Bank, Bristol
Mount Vernon Bank, Providence
Narragansett Bank, Wickford
National Bank, Providence
National Exchange Bank of Greenville
National Hope Bank, Warren
National Union Bank of Woonsocket
New England Commercial Bank, Newport
New England Pacific Bank, North Providence
Newport Bank
Newport Exchange Bank
Niantic Bank, Westerly
North Kingston Bank, Wickford
North Kingston Exchange Bank
North Providence Bank
Northern Bank, Providence
Old National Bank, Providence
Old Stone Bank, Providence
Pacific National Bank, Pawtucket
Pawtuxet Bank, Warwick
People’s Exchange Bank, Wakefield
Peoples Bank, North Providence
Peoples Savings Bank, Providence
Phenix Bank, Providence
Phenix Bank, Westerly
Phenix Village Bank, Warwick
Pocasset Bank, Fall River
Producers Bank, Woonsocket
Providence Bank
Providence Clearing House
Providence Institution For Savings
R.I. Agricultural Bank, Johnston
R.I. Central Bank, East Greenwich
R.I. Exchange Bank, East Greenwich
R.I. Union Bank, Newport
Railroad Bank, Woonsocket
Rhode Island Hospital Trust, Providence
Richmond Bank, Alton
Roger Williams Bank, Providence
Scituate Bank
Second National Bank of Providence
Slater Bank, North Providence
Smithfield Exchange Bank, Greenville
Smithfield Lime Rock Bank
Smithfield Union Bank
Sowamset Bank, Warren
State Bank, Providence
Third National Bank, Providence
Tiverton Bank
Tower Mining Company, Woonsocket
Traders Bank, Newport
Traders Bank, Providence
Union Bank, Providence
Union Trust Company, Providence
United National Bank, Providence
Village Bank, Smithfield
Wakefield Bank, South Kingstown
Warren Bank
Warwick Bank
Washington Bank, Westerly
Washington County Bank, Carolina Mills
Westminster Bank, Providence
Weybosset Bank, Providence
What Cheer Bank, Providence
Wickford National Bank
Woonsocket Falls Bank
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This website hosts a personal collection of paper money from the state of Rhode Island. These notes are not for sale. Questions? for anything currency related.
Recent Additions:
$1,000 R.I. State House Construction Bond
State Bank $10
Richmond Bank $1
Richmond Bank $1
Washington Canal & Rhode-Island State Lottery
Currency by Type:
Colonials (1710-1790s)
Obsoletes (1790s-1900)
Nationals (1863-1935)
Advertising & Educational
Rhode Island Banking Timeline
Bryant, Stratton & Mason’s $50
> More information on the Bryant & Stratton Business College.