Freemen’s Bank, Bristol
Founded in October of 1817. Chartered as the First National Bank of Bristol in 1865. Absorbed by Industrial Trust Company (Bristol Branch), November 19, 1900.
The Freeman’s Bank building at 37-39 State Street in Bristol has been described as follows: “c. 1811: This is a 2-l/2-story, 5-bay, brick Federal building with end walls of African stone. It was built by Nathaniel Bullock, an attorney. Between 1817 and 1878 it housed the Freeman’s Bank, and between 1817 and 1857 the Customs House for the Bristol and Warren District. In 1890 Harriet Bullock sold the bank building to Richard S. Gladding, who used it as a stove and tinsmith shop. The first floor facade has been altered.” — Historical and Architectural Resources of Bristol, Rhode Island. Rhode Island Historical Preservation Commission, 1990.

Freeman’s Bank at 37-39 State Street, from Historical and Architectural Resources of Bristol, Rhode Island. Rhode Island Historical Preservation Commission, 1990.

A view of the former Freemen’s Bank building today, from Google Maps.