Peoples Savings Bank, Providence
Peoples Savings Bank was founded in Providence in 1851. It was located on Market Square for some time, and later occupied a building on Kennedy Plaza. The institution later became Peoples Bank of Johnston. It was acquired by Hartford National Bank and then Boston’s Shawmut in 1987.
Peoples Savings Bank did not issue any banknotes.
(This bank should not be confused with Peoples Bank of North Providence (1843), which later became the First National Bank of Pawtucket. Also, Peoples United Bank currently has branches in Rhode Island, but this institution originates in Connecticut, begun as the Bridgeport Savings Bank in 1842.)

An early 20th-century postcard, showing the bank’s edifice on Market Square (white building in the background, right).

An advertisement for Peoples from The Providence House Directory and Family Address Book, 1931-1932.

A vintage photo showing People’s headquarters on Kennedy Plaza.