Providence Bank
Established October, 1791. Merged with Merchants National Bank in 1926. Merged with Industrial National Bank and then renamed Fleet Financial. Acquired by Bank of America.
1850s Proof. Durand 1864, Haxby RI-380 G64, Bowers W-RI-1170-005-G260

Providence Bank promissory note for $500, dated May 30, 1799. Between Henry Smith and Job Smith.

A bank check from the 1870s, when the Providence Institution for Savings (later the Old Stone Bank) was affiliated with the Providence National Bank.

Detail of the saving bank’s South Main Street façade on check above.

This structure at 50 South Main Street was built and designed by Joseph Brown in 1774 as his private residence.

The building on South Main Street today.

Detail of the façade.

An ad from the Evening Tribune, September 22, 1915.

The Providence National Bank was located for a short time at 20 Westminster, the Merchants National Bank building.

The Providence National Bank building at 90 Westminster Street. The Lyceum Building, former home to the Globe Bank and the Grocers and Producers Bank, stood on this lot prior to this edifice’s construction in 1929.

After its merger with the Union Trust Company, the new bank built this addition to their Westminster Street location in 1951.

In 2005, the Providence National Bank building on Westminster Street was torn down to make way for condominiums. Today, the site is a parking lot.

The façade on Weybosset Street, built when the bank was known as the Providence Union National Bank and Trust Company, is all that remains of this building.

Another perspective.